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K's Story

An industry of increasing toxicity

This is a journey of learning that women are not welcome in management.  This story involves 4 years.  Three of those years were at a blood center as a target of workplace bullying and mobbing.  Reduced confidence aided in the loss of a new job after layoff.  Where do you now go when all confidence is gone?

Teacher: Jennifer Lenihan's Tribute Celebration (workplace bullying - suicide)

Jennifer has a tribute on YouTube at the following Link:

Jennifer was a Bassett High art teacher .  Click on the link to read her story.  The sad part of this story is that she felt like she had no alternatives but to end her life.  When we commit to a career path in life we often embrace this knowledge as our identity.  When our identity is removed there can be a deep feeling of being worthless. 

Kevin Morrissey

Workplace Bullying - Suicide

Kevin was a former managing editor of Virginia Quarterly Review.  They found the following book by his bed:  Working with the Self-Absorbed: How to Handle Narcissistic Personalities on the Job.

He was searching for answers to combat the Bully.  He complained but no one responded


Kicked out of the office he was managing with no explanation.

Marlene Braun

Workplace Bullying - Suicide

Marlene Braun killed herself May 2, 2005 at her BLM worksite and home on the Carrizzo Plain in California. Her dear friend Kathy Hermes describes the toxic work environment Marlene suffered at the hands of inept and cruel management.

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