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Since you have traveled to this page then there is a very high degree of probability that you feel that it is just as important and critical as we do that this bill be passed. 


There are a number of very important ways that you can help to support the Healthy Workplace Bill in the State of Colorado.  They are listed below.  Should you require any additional information and/or would like to help with this effort please forward an email to a state coordinator.  Contact information can be located on the "About Us" page of this site.  We will get back to you very soon. 


Ways to help:


One of the most important things you can do is to sign the Petition telling Congress and the Mayor that it is critcial to pass this bill









Write to  your local newpaper editor and ask them to cover this topic



Write to your local colorado representatives.  You can learn and/or locate the name and address of Colorado representatives at the following link: 



Contact the following select legislators and demand (professionally) that the Healthy Workplace Bill pass in 2014


Contact the following Colorado legislators and demand that in light of the national attention to Jonathan Martin and other high profile work related violent acts that the Healthy Workplace Bill passes in 2015.   In the case of Mr. Martin, teh Miami Dolphin executive leadership was reported to have been aware of the continued harrassment.  It took him walking out and media attention for them to finally stand up and take notice. 


Per Fox, June 2, 2014 article posted by Alex Marvez at, "A source said Martin has tried dealing with a slew of indignities that crossed into personal and family insults, including being bestowed with the nickname of "Big Weirdo."  Why does it have to take big stories like this for people to stop and take action?


We need action now!.  Our elected officials are in the process of deciding which bills are going to be their priority in January, so you should contact them now to tell them that the Healthy Workplace Bill should be their number one priority in 2014.  We have very littel time.  If we are unable to influence them for this session then we must keep moving forward and work toward making this bill a reality for January 2016


Assembly Speaker: Dickey Lee Hullinghorst

200 East Colfax

Denver, CO 80203

Capitol Phone: 303-866-2348











Senator: Michael Bennet

Denver Metro Office
1127 Sherman St., Suite 150
Denver, CO 80203

Phone: 303-455-7600
Toll Free: 866-455-9866


Contact using web form:




Senator: Cory Gardner

213 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515

Phone: (202) 225-4676
FAX: (20) 225-5870


Or contact using web form:


915 10th Street, 3rd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

Phone: (970) 351-6007
FAX: (970) 351-6068




Who's Who....

Colorado General Assembly






Write about and send us your personal experience or ....

write a letter of support to seek passage of the CO Healthy Workplace Bill


Over the years CO-HWA has heard personal accounts from people who have experienced workplace bullying and distributed many to our state legislators.  Personal accounts may be written anonymously in the first or third person.  It is recommended that a personal account be no more than 5-10 pages with preference to 2-3 pages.  This makes it easier for a legislator to take the time to read it in its entirety.  


As we receive a personal account, we will as your permission allows post to this website and further deliver a copy to state legislators to keep the Healthy Workplace Bill at the top of the list of legislation to pass in 2015.  Please denote who your State Senator and Assemblymember are so we can alert them that your personal account comes from a constituent of their district. 


ABC News Video


This Colorado website is new and in an effort to bring it up and running with valuable information as soon as possible some guidance on it's design and creation was borrowed from other state advocate sites.  What follows is partly from the New York site, modified slightly for CO but will prove to be very helpful. 


Create a video account of your workplace bullying experience, what it means to you or one that demands our Colorado legislators pass the Healthy Workplace Bill.  Work with the Colorado coordinators of this site to build a video library which may be used by new stations.


ABC News ran a story on workplace bullying during “Freedom from Workplace Bullies Week” which ran from October 20-26, 2013.  NYHWA posted on their Facebook page that ABC News wanted people to create a short 1-2 minute video describing what they experienced and two of the videos used in the ABC television news segment came from New York State residents.   The following video account was one of two from New York residents used in the piece:


We ask that personal accounts include statements of what workplace bullying means to you and/or statements demanding that our CO legislators pass the Healthy Workplace Bill.  Videos are recommended to be no more than 5 minutes in length.  The following paragraphs from Vocal Software provide insights on effective video creation



Make It Emotional

People engage most with video stories that connect emotionally. For example, Dove has garnered upwards of 54 million views on YouTube with its now-famous “Real Beauty Sketches” - a great example of a brand story with a valid emotional angle.

Need to showcase a feature-heavy product? You can still create a video that delights.


Kid-Proof Your Message

Your script should be simple and clear enough for a six-year-old to understand. Play to video’s strength and rely on visuals – not fancy words – to get your point across. For product videos especially, use simple, short voiceover whenever possible.


Instruct Action

Effective videos incite the viewer to take action. Your video should include a single, clear call to action. Invite viewers to do one thing – it could be sharing via email, tweeting, posting to Facebook or visiting your website. Clear action should be the overarching goal of your video content.


Pick Something and Stick With It

Pick one message and stick with it. When script revisions and edits pass through the hands of multiple stakeholders, you face the danger of additional “bonus” messaging appearing. Don’t let this happen. Watered down, rambling messages are a video killer.


Post your video online and send us a link to it or send the file to us at and write “Personal Story Video” in the subject of your email.


 As we receive a video or video link, we will contact Colorado legislators that a new video from a CO resident is available stating what your personal experience was like, what workplace bullying means to you and/or your statement demanding the Healthy Workplace Bill is passed in 2015.  If you can pass along in your email who your Colorado State Senator and Assemblymember is, along with your name, address, COHWA will personally call them to let them know a constituent of theirs has spoken.


As previously stated, you can verify who your CO Senator is by typing in your address under the heading “Find My Senator” at the link provided.



Thank you for considering this request to share your story.




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